Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:

Doctoral programme in
architecture, city and design


International PhD

(three years program)



Palazzo Badoer

S. Polo 2468



+39 041 257 1731/1865/1886/1787




responsabile scientifico

Maria Chiara Tosi



Maria Antonia Barucco, Matteo Basso, Jacopo Galli, Stefano Munarin, Michela Pace, Domenico Patassini, Gianfranco Pozzer, Luca Velo


current candidates

XXXV cycle

Jetie Samuel Bekele (Ethiopia), Kassahun Gessese Kassahun (Ethiopia), Ntigulirwa Marie Amelie (Ruanda)


XXXIV cycle

Gebremeskel Sara Amare (Ethiopia)


XXXIII cycle

Mathewos Bekele (Ethiopia), Biniam Tekle Biru (Ethiopia)


XXXII cycle

Haile Gebre-Egziabher Aregawi (Ethiopia), Daniel Semunugus Negese (Ethiopia)



Khalil Shawana (Pakistan) - XXXV cycle
Al Dardari Abdallah (Syria) - XXXV cycle (
lectio magistralis)

Maria De Los Angeles Cuenca Rosillo (Ecuador)
Victor Bay Mukanya (DR Congo - XXXIII cycle





The international PhD intends to consolidate Iuav’s global role as an institution for cultural interpretation welcoming researchers and research themes from other geographical and cultural contexts, offering them the particular investigative metodologies of the School of Venice.

Each candidate will be supported by the entire University organization in order to address the specificities of his/her research starting from the important cultural heritage developed by Iuav in its history. A heritage of humanistic culture that allows to look at the future in light of the past, carrying on the teachings of the many masters who have been part of Iuav’s history as a common heritage to be made available to the global knowledge society.

The central theme is the ability of the design to affect reality regardless of any disciplinar and geographical barrier. Iuav as a design university where different cultures and different disciplines have the opportunity to meet and improve each other. The international doctorate intends to further strengthen the role of Iuav in the global scenario, encouraging the formation of small research communities composed of teachers, tutors and PhD students able to act as a reference point outside the academic world in dialogue with productive sectors, public and private institutions, cultural sites.


What activities does the International PhD provides?

Every year the school organizes, concentrated in a single period lasting one or two months, activities specifically aimed at the international PhD candidates. Activities, considered necessary for the development of research according to the Iuav method, calibrated from year to year based on developing research topics and which may include active participation in seminars and conferences, debate with teachers and tutors, collective discussions and archival research. For the rest of the year, each candidate is expected to develop his/her research autonomously according to methods agreed with their reference tutors.


School of Doctorate Studies

The Iuav School of Doctorate Studies is an international research institution that, drawing upon a wealth of studies accumulated over time, broadens the potential and circulates the cultural production of some of the oldest and most prestigious doctoral programmes in Italy, offering an open environment for in-depth study and collective exchange.

The School’s distinctiveness lies in clustering together research bodies working on issues of multidisciplinary concern. The School is the dynamic home to doctoral programmes in architectural composition, in the history of architecture and the city, in planning, in design, in the arts and in urban design, whose combined presence fosters a very special educational environment inside a university that is internationally recognized for its interdisciplinary work in architecture, history, the city and the arts.