Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:

SharingSpace Lectures



research on intercultural cities

and collective space


2 dicembre 2013

Badoer, aula C2

ore 14.30


3 dicembre 2013

Badoer, aula C2

ore 10


nell’ambito del dottorato in architettura, cittą e design, curriculum pianificazione territoriale e politiche pubbliche del territorio


interventi di

Jorge Malheiros, Universidade de Lisboa

Matthew Wilhelm-Solomon, Wits University, Johannesburg

Santiago Canevaro, Universidad Nacional de San Martin, Buenos Aires



Giovanna Marconi, cattedra Unesco SSIIM, Universitą Iuav di Venezia


SharingSpace Project is financed by the European Union Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IRSES)