Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:

Discussione tesi di dottorato





17 aprile 2015

Badoer, aula Tafuri

ore 9.30


nell’ambito del

dottorato in architettura, cittą e design, curriculum Urbanistica


Monica Bianchettin

Lo spazio fra le cose.

Learning from the existing landscapes is a way to be revolutionary for an urbanist


Nadia D’Agnone

The anamorphic view: tracing the visual presence of deep time forms, patterns, and processes in the contemporary urban ground


Leonora Grcheva

Between Facts and Norms:

The Dark Side of Regulatory Urban Planning.

Three Urban Plans in Skopje, Macedonia


Michele Vianello

Urbanism and the narration of the Commons.

A reflection on some future challenges for urbanism in Italy




Michelangelo Russo, Stefano Munarin, Angelo Sampieri