Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:

Jerusalem. City Portrait


International Conference

Call for papers


15-16 May 2012

Venice, Italy


deadline: by April 10th 2012


Under the framework of the conferences cycle “city portraits”, a project launched and designated by the IUAV school of doctorate studies, with the objective of having a thorough insight into the city from a variety of disciplinary perspectives: architecture and planning in the first place but also literature, visual arts, cinema, etc.. so as to document and narrate as much as possible of its complexity. The first conference was dedicated to Beijing, followed by conferences on St. Petersburg, Sao Paolo and the upcoming conference which will take place from 29 February to March 1st  2012 will cover Istanbul. Several cities of International relevance will be investigated and narrated in the future. Jerusalem city portrait will take place between 15-16 May 2012 and it will offer on the first day 9 lectures in two sessions, the morning session “Space Narratives” will introduce a historical and contemporary background about Jerusalem's architectural, planning and archaeological identity and the second session “Space Users and their Interactions in Jerusalem” is supposed to provide a wider picture about spatial habits and interactions in Jerusalem.


The second day (May 16th) is dedicated to PhD candidates and young researchers who have developed original studies or projects relevant to the following theme: Jerusalem: sacred city as a place of encounter, pilgrimage as a circulation territory. Jerusalem is the heart of the three monotheist religions a small city hosting hundreds of religious structures and ancient archaeological heritage pertaining to the three religions, can it be divided or should it be kept united? What is the role of the various pilgrimage activities in the city? How pilgrims perceive Jerusalem? Sacred spatial conflict and alternative narratives, religious minorities spatial habits and interactions, and Jerusalem’s contested scared spaces as World Heritage Sites are all topics relevant to the proposed theme.


Moreover, this seminar will address the urban complexity of Sacred cities and the role of religious architecture in tourism and national/international interaction.


Abstract guidelines


PhD candidates and young researchers interested in presenting a poster should submit an abstract of maximum 300 words in English by April 10th 2012.


abstracts should be sent via e-mail to jerusalemcityportrait@gmail.com


Please include the following information: full name, date of birth, affiliation (university/institution), e-mail address, thesis supervisor, title of the dissertation, four keywords.


Kindly note that abstracts will be selected according to relevance to the proposed theme.


call for paper key dates

Call for paper launch


February 6th 2012


Deadline for abstract


April 10th 2012


Notification of acceptance


April 16th 2012



the curator

Ruba Saleh



for more information
