Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:

Evaluation of applications


The selection procedure is carried out by a committee appointed after applications close, and it consists of:


— the evaluation of the applicant’s qualifications and the verification of admission requirements


— the evaluation of the documents attached to the application, and more specifically:

curriculum studiorum: up to 20 points

curriculum vitae: up to 10 points

portfolio: up to 40 points

video: up to 30 points


Once applications close, the committee may set a minimum score applicants need to reach in order to be considered for admission.


Two ranking lists will be formed, one for each administrative category:

— non-EU applicants

— EU applicants


The ranking lists will be based on the total score obtained by each applicant, in descending order. In case of equal scores, priority is given to the youngest applicant.




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