professors in charge and specific details for extra-curricular activities (D- and F-type credits)

professors in charge and specific details for extra-curricular activities (D- and F-type credits)


This page lists the professors in charge of the pre-approval of extra-curricular activities.


You can also find some specifics about the required materials. Where no specifics are given, please just provide the professor with a programme, a written description of your individual contribution to the activity, or any other material agreed on with the professor.



bachelor’s degrees


Architettura > Mauro Marzo

Please include the following details in the material required for pre-approval (phase 1):

- qualification(s) of the person(s) in charge of the activity

- estimated amount of hours (comprising both active participation and individual study or preparation)


Design della moda e arti multimediali

-         Arti multimediali track > Emanuele Arielli

-         Comunicazione e nuovi media della moda track > Saul Marcadent

-         Design della moda track > Gabriele Monti


Design del prodotto, della comunicazione visiva e degli interni > Fiorella Bulegato

For requests submitted by e-mail please also copy:

-         Interior design track > Emanuela Bonini Lessing

-         Product e visual design track > Maddalena Dalla Mura


Design (Vicenza branch) > Laura Badalucco


Urbanistica e pianificazione del territorio > Laura Fregolent



bachelor’s degrees


Architettura > Roberta Albiero


Arti visive e moda

-         Arti visive track> Paolo Garbolino

-         Moda track > Alessandra Vaccari


Design del prodotto, della comunicazione e degli interni > Alberto Bassi

For requests submitted by e-mail please also copy:

-         Comunicazione track > Gianni Sinni

-         Interni track > Alessandra Bosco

-         Prodotto track > Raffaella Fagnoni


MA in Architecture > Fernanda De Maio


Teatro e arti performative > Annalisa Sacchi


Urbanistica e pianificazione del territorio / MS in Urban Planning for Transition > Silvio Nocera



