Maddalena Dalla Mura
Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:


professoressa associata


settore scientifico-disciplinare

ICAR/13 Disegno industriale


interessi di ricerca

storia del design, storia del visual design, museum studies, exhibition studies




tel +39 041 257 1257


orario di ricevimento

su appuntamento via email



Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:


associate professor


academic discipline

ICAR/13 Design


research interests

design history, visual design history, museum studies, exhibition studies




tel +39 041 257 1257


office hours

by appointment to be arranged via email



Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:


Laureata in Conservazione dei beni culturali presso l’Università degli Studi di Udine, ha conseguito il Dottorato in Scienze del design presso l’Università Iuav di Venezia nel 2010. Si occupa di storia del design e della grafica, con particolare interesse per la storiografia e la mediazione del design.

In precedenza, ha svolto attività di ricerca e di insegnamento presso la Facoltà di Design e Arti della Libera Università di Bolzano e l’Università di Ferrara. È stata assistente curatore della mostra “Graphic Design Worlds”, a cura di Giorgio Camuffo, al Triennale Design Museum di Milano (2011), e ha co-curato la XI edizione del Triennale Design Museum, “Storie” (2018), contribuendo inoltre ai relativi cataloghi. Ha co-curato i volumi “Graphic Design, Exhibiting, Curating”, “About Learning and Design”, “Graphic Design: History and Practice” (bu,press, 2013, 2014, 2016), “Design e apprendimento creativo: Questioni ed esperienze” (Guerini, 2017). Ha contribuito alla “Bloomsbury Encyclopaedia of Design” (2015). È co-autrice, con Carlo Vinti, di un capitolo storiografico in “Made in Italy: Rethinking a Century of Italian Design” (a cura di G. Lees-Maffei e K. Fallan, Bloomsbury 2013) e di un capitolo sul design italiano nel terzo volume della “World History of Design” (Bloomsbury, 2024). Dal 2014 al 2018 è stata associate editor della rivista “AIS/Design: Storia e Ricerche”.

Attualmente presiede la Associazione italiana storici del design (AIS/Design).



Holding a degree in Preservation of Cultural Heritage from the University of Udine, she received the PhD in Design Sciences from Università Iuav di Venezia in 2010. Her research area is the history of design, with a focus on historiography and mediation practices. Previously, she carried out research and teaching activities at the Faculty of Design and Art of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano and the University of Ferrara. She was assistant curator of the exhibition “Graphic Design Worlds”, curated by Giorgio Camuffo, at the Triennale Design Museum in Milan (2011), and co-curated the 11th edition of the Triennale Design Museum, “Storie” (2018), also contributing to the accompanying catalogues. She co-edited the book “Graphic Design, Exhibiting, Curating”, “About Learning and Design”, “Graphic Design: History and Practice” (bu, press, 2013, 2014, 2016), and “Design and Creative Learning: Issues and Experiences” (Guerini, 2017). She contributed to the “Bloomsbury Encyclopaedia of Design” (2015). She is co-author, with Carlo Vinti, of a historiographical chapter in “Made in Italy: Rethinking a Century of Italian Design” (edited by G. Lees-Maffei and K. Fallan, Bloomsbury 2013) and a chapter on Italian design in the third volume of the “World History of Design” (Bloomsbury, 2024). From 2014 to 2018, she was associate editor of the journal “AIS/Design: Storia e Ricerche”.

She currently chairs the Italian Association of Design Historians (AIS/Design).


 2022-23 Critica del design
 2022-23 Storia del visual design
 2023-24 Critica del design
 2023-24 Storia del visual design