Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:

knowledge-creating milieus: firms, cities and regions




Universitą Iuav di Venezia

Unitą di ricerca “Societą Economia Territorio”

Technische Universität Berlin

Institut für Stadt–und Regional planung


in collaboration with

Confindustria Veneto



April 8th 2011

Badoer, room A

San Polo 2468, Venezia



It is a widely held opinion, also propounded in a number of academic works, that the main feature of the knowledge economy lies in the unprecedentedly wide use of knowledge that firms and industry in general have made in the last two-three decades. The persuasive power of this view is commonly grounded in the evidence of the substantial, if not dominant, share represented by “symbolic analysis activities” in the formation of the total GDP and total employment, mainly in the advanced economies. Another, more subtle, although not immediately provable view, suggests that the advent of the knowledge economy rests on the unprecedented knowledge revolution that is occurring within firms and thus within the very core of the social praxis –, and which had already taken place within the epistemological, aesthetic and cultural domains. More specifically, the idea is that firms and industry are now leaving the traditional/modern “Learning I” paradigm concerned with the “production and accumulation” of knowledge according to well-established cognitive codes, and moving towards the “Learning II” paradigm, dealing with the “generation and articulation” of cognitive codes.

The consequences of this shift are of the greatest importance. Conditions and factors that are reputed suitable for the enhancement of the knowledge generative aptitudes of individuals, groups and institutions diverge widely from those required for conventional knowledge production and accumulation. While the former could hypothetically be carried out within an isolated relationship between the individual observer and his/her observed world, “Learning II” inevitably takes place within a social context; and while noise, dissonance and ambiguity are clearly impediments to “Learning I”, they represent the “primary raw material” within the “Learning II” paradigm.

Against this background, the Workshop aims to explore the conditions that, at the different social and spatial scales - mainly, firms, cities and regions - lend themselves to the enhancement of individual and social aptitudes for the reshaping of cognitive codes, which is intended as the main matrix of creativeness. The theoretical analysis is supported by the results of empirical investigations made into Italian and German cases, with reference to the regional and urban geographies of the “knowledge-creating activities”.



9.00 – 9.30   registration


9.30      Luciano Vettoretto, Universitą Iuav di Venezia, Director of the Research Department

Welcome Address



morning session

Chairman: Dietrich Henckel, Technische Universität Berlin


9.40      Augusto Cusinato, Universitą Iuav di Venezia

“Milieu” and “Knowledge–creating Activities”: Two interpretative tools for the knowledge economy


10.00    Paolo Garbolino, Universitą Iuav di Venezia

Science and society: The point of view of philosophy


10.20    Giorgio De Michelis, Universitą di Milano Bicocca

Why knowledge is linked to space


10.40    Carla Simone, Universitą di Milano Bicocca

The multiple facets of  knowledge management within organizations


11.00 – 11.20   coffee break


11.20    Fabiano Compagnucci, Universitą  Iuav di Venezia

Industrial Districts and Cities in Italy: Reshaping relationships in the knowledge economy


11.40    Riccardo Cappellin, Universitą di Roma Tor Vergata,

Cities and services: A cognitive approach


12.00    Camilla Costa, Universitą Iuav di Venezia

Creativity: Visibilities and invisibilities in urban space


12.20    Medardo Chiapponi, Universitą Iuav di Venezia

Design, knowledge and national culture


12.40    discussion


13.00    lunch



afternoon session

Chairman: Antonio Calafati, Universitą Politecnica delle Marche


14.40    Roberto Santolamazza, Treviso Tecnologia

Creativity: Projects and services to develop an innovative connectivity in the field


15.00    Stefano Miotto, Confidustria Veneto

Creativity and innovation for industry


15.20    Dietrich Henckel, Technische Universität Berlin

The spatial structure of creative industries in Berlin


15.40    Ricarda Pätzold, Technische Universität Berlin

Rise and fall of creative neighbourhoods: The example of Berlin


16.00    Francesco Gabbi, Universitą Iuav di Venezia

Enacting Berlin: The construction of a neighbourhood between practices, artifacts and narratives


16.20    Chiara Mazzoleni, Universitą Iuav di Venezia

New industry formation in contemporary inner-city, urban renewal processes and policy measures: Evidence from the  study cases of Milan and Barcelona


16.40    discussion


17.30    end of workshop



scientific committee

Antonio Calafati, Universitą Politecnica delle Marche

Roberto Camagni, Politecnico di Milano

Augusto Cusinato, Universitą Iuav di Venezia

Dietrich Henckel, Technische Universität Berlin



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