Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:

Doctoral programme in architecture, city and design




(thre-year programme)



Palazzo Badoer

San Polo 2468




tel. +39 041 257 1731 / 1865 / 1886 / 1787



coordinator: Maria Chiara Tosi



scientific committee

Universitā Iuav di Venezia

Marta De Marchi, Lorenzo Fabian, Viviana Ferrario, Stefano Munarin, Michela Pace, Maria Chiara Tosi, Luca Velo, Paola Viganō


other universities

Federico Zanfi (Politecnico di Milano), Enrico Formato (Federico II Napoli), Giulia Testori (JRC Siviglia)



Franco Mancuso e Mirko Zardini


PhD students

Amerigo Alberto Ambrosi, Andrea Aragone, Camilla Cangiotti, Fabrizia Cannella, Amina Chouairi, Fabrizio D'Angelo, Samuel Fattorelli, Federico Gobbato, Eleni Kasselouiri, Michele Mazzoleni, Felipe Hernan Miņo Cornejo, Luca Nicoletto, Elvira Pietrobon, Klarissa Pica, Camilla Rondot, Davide Simoni, Mattia Tettoni, Valeria Volpe, Valentina Rossella Zucca


PhD students with Iuav grants in doctoral courses of national interest

Alvise Moretti - Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori di Pavia

Nicola Russolo - Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori di Pavia





The general focus of the PhD programme is the “urban planning project”, a term which preferably refers to a broader field than that of “urban planning” and one which includes what is commonly known as “urban and territorial policy” and the “urban project”. The urban planning project is an ensemble of activities through which a specific scientific-professional group strives to redefine the environmental conditions in which the process of social reproduction takes place.


The PhD programme aims at establishing the grounds for research and theoretical reflection relevant to analytical-planning practices and policies regarding Urban Planning. For this reason, one of the programme’s top priorities is to acquire the most advanced techniques available for analysis and elaboration of territorial information and to consider their theoretical background and the fields in which they can be applied, in addition to their experimentation in a series of salient case studies.


research areas

The PhD programme investigates four main areas of interest, seen as long-term research areas, all relative to the construction of today’s city and territories and the current role of urban planning. Within each area, more specific themes are defined annually and according to a rational, clearly defined non-contingent, research strategy:

a. urban planning: history, themes, experience

b. urban planning: building socially relevant knowledge

c. urban planning and architecture of the city and territory

d. urban planning and the physical construction of city and territory

With the results of ongoing research, each cycle of doctorate studies organizes a series of monographic courses, seminars, master classes, and workshops, which investigate in detail the specific areas of research outlined in the programmes.  Whilst, with the help of the faculty body, PhD students choose their specific area of research and study.


Each year the doctorate programme organizes a workshop in which PhD students are invited to participate, inclusive of:

> discussions among PhD students on topics proposed by either the faculty board or by PhD students themselves.

> a seminar on project experimentation (at the end of the first two years of the programme).

> final seminar for the presentation and discussion of dissertations.

Each year the PhD programme also organizes, together with the University KU Leuven, TU Delft, and UPC Barcelona, a PhD seminar open to doctorate students from European and non-European universities interested in presenting papers. The goal of the seminar is to inform both PhD students and scholars of current research being conducted and for establishing reciprocal contacts.


PhD students are also invited to pursue a period of research study abroad and to participate in lessons and seminars held by scholars outside the PhD programme and of interest to their field of research. They are furthermore invited to present the status of their research at various times throughout the programme.


academic careers for PhD students

PhD graduates from the past doctorate programmes went on to obtain positions as contract professors (7), researchers (1), contract lecturers (1), grant holders (5), didactic collaborators (3).


recently published dissertations

Alessandra Casu, I piani di riforma agraria nel secondo dopoguerra tra urbanistica moderna e progetto ambientale, Svimez 2003 (winner of the Svimez award)

Andrea Cavalletti, La cittā biopolitica. Mitologie della sicurezza, Bruno Mondadori, Milan 2005

Alessandro Petti, Arcipelaghi e enclaves. La trasformazione dell’ordinamento spaziale contemporaneo, Bruno Mondadori, Milan 2007


Note: many of the dissertations have led to publications in various journals and magazines.