Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:



Università Iuav di Venezia is committed to developing economic, environmental, and social sustainability by mainstreaming it into the actions and behaviours in teaching and research, governance, spaces, and community.


To this end, Iuav promotes and organises many actions and projects while encouraging responsible lifestyles to improve the quality of the university experience and the relationship with the peculiar urban context of the city of Venice in line with the UN 2030 Agenda.


Iuav sustainable actions and projects [ITA] >>



the rector’s delegate and the working group on sustainability


Valeria Tatano is the Rector's delegate for inclusion, disability and sustainability policies and actions. She also coordinates Iuav participation in the Italian University Network for Sustainable Development (RUS)


A dedicated working group has also been set up to support the rector’s delegate in the implementation of sustainable actions.



get involved


Everyone can take action to achieve the sustainable development goals of the UN Agenda 2030 and everyone is welcome to participate in Iuav sustainable actions.


Below are some tips to get involved:

- propose an action at university level or submit a project/event that might interest the entire Iuav community: sostenibilita@iuav.it

- propose a sustainable activity for students to Iuav student senate: sds@iuav.it

- take individual action >>





Iuav working group on sustainability
