Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:







Iuav School of Doctorate Studies: applications for the 2023/2024 a.y.

39th cycle


The call for admission to Iuav School of Doctoral Studies – Doctorate course Architecture and Arts 2022/2023 a.y. - 39th cycle is open.



available positions


16 with doctoral scholarship


4 without scholarship


2 reserved for scholarship holders from foreign countries


1 reserved for fellows in specific international mobility programmes


8 with doctoral scholarship tied to the research tied to the research topics consistent with the PNRR indications in ITALIAN MINISTERIAL DECREE 118/2023 (1 for digital and environmental transitions, 6 for PNRR generally intended, 1 for cultural heritage)


5 with doctoral scholarship tied to the research developed by the Centro Superiore di Comprensione, Anticipazione e Ricerca Progettuale Applicata - C.SCARPA


1 with scholarship tied to the research theme Visual communication for environmental issues: engagement solutions to support the maritime ecological transition in the framework of Maritime Spatial Planning.



The description of research fields and themes is available in the information sheets attached to the announcement (annex1, 1bis, 1ter and 1quater).


The deadline for applying is Thursday 20th July 2023 at 1 pm CEST


Foreign candidates are highly recommended to have a basic knowledge of the Italian language in order to be able to attend the School initiatives from the beginning of the first year.


The decree appointing the selection committee will be published after the deadline.

Interviews are held at Palazzo Badoer, San Polo 2468, Venice (Italy).

The date and time will be communicated at least 10 days before the interviews.

Interviews can be organised remotely upon request from candidates residing abroad and candidates residing in Italy who are unable to attend the interview in person for serious and adequately documented reasons.

It is highly recommended to read the announcement and the guidelines available as attachments.


It is also recommended not to wait until the last few days to access the online platform for submitting your application and uploading the necessary materials.


To verify your number you can:


from the printed application form

- open the pdf document "Receipt of the application for taking the admission test"

- at the end of the first sheet, the phrase "Number, date and time of application submission": the first number indicated corresponds to the Temporary student code number number


from the iuav website

- access to Sportello Internet Iuav website (SPIN)

- from the menu at the top right, click Login and enter your credentials

- from the menu at the top right, click on "Student service" and then "Application"

- in the list of competitions to which you are registered, click on "Phd programme Architecture and Arts "

- in the first table "Call for admission" the Temporary student code number number is shown on the right side.

