European Urban REgenerators Knowledge Alliance – EUREKA

European Urban REgenerators Knowledge Alliance – EUREKA





a new urban reality

A top-down approach to city planning is no longer working. A growing number of abandoned urban spaces across Europe call for a cooperative urban transformation where municipalities, cultural spaces and businesses work together for more sustainable cities. Cities that benefit their citizens.


A new reality demands a new professional profile - a confident Urban Innovator with a strong social agenda. While already in high demand on the job market, this profile still lacks proper training and recognition in Europe.


about the project

European Urban Regenerators Knowledge Alliance (EUREKA) is a three-year project set to create a multidisciplinary curriculum, designed jointly by universities, cultural practitioners and policy-makers, for a rising professional profile of urban innovators. The project will identify needed skills and develop a training that addresses the current job market’s demands across Europe.


The project is managed by a consortium of major universities, public and nonprofit organisations and European network of grass-roots cultural centres.


our approach

Together we aim to design an innovative training that bridges practice with theory and addresses current challenges of urban regeneration.


We will:

> conduct a RESEARCH on the needs of enterprises, public administrations and community-based groups, reaching a shared definition of the skills of urban innovators

> co-design a training involving 4 major European universities, enterprises, public and non-profit organisations and former students.

> carry out a pilot action to deliver the training programme in the 4 local clusters across Europe: in Italy, Spain, Netherlands and Romania. 

> organise 3 international learning mobilities for students and enterprises.

> run 4 living-labs across Europe as spaces to study and work facing real life issues.



> Universitą Iuav di Venezia, prof. Ezio Micelli

> Melting Pro Learning

> LAMA - Development and Cooperation Agency

> The University of Deusto | UD

> Espacio Open

> Trans Europe Halles

> Municipality of Timisoara

> West University of Timișoara

> Casa PLAI Association

> Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences

> P60


stay tuned

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The EUREKA project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.