Venice, an incomparable architectural and urban model, is also the ideal context to study mobility issues: the main modes of transport, from water to land and air, operate and interact in a single integrated system.
The Master’s degree offers a competitive training in the national context on topics related to mobility and transport: students can benefit from internships in major companies and organisations operating in the sector, study experiences abroad and integrated workshops, an element that distinguishes Iuav educational offer.
The aspects of transport and mobility covered by the programme are diverse and provide a holistic view of the challenges to be faced; other programmes deal with transport-related aspects mainly from a sector-specific point of view (e.g. safety and logistics, vehicle design).
The Master’s degree aims to anticipate the consequences of an ongoing global trend in the field of transport and mobility: the digitalisation and automation of the sector.
They require interaction with increasingly complex tools and a wider range of skills that need appropriate technical training. In response to these challenges, the Master’s degree aims to train the future infrastructure and mobility manager. This role is intended for a professional capable of facing and solving complex challenges in transport planning, design, implementation, management, maintenance, and preservation of (large) transport works and infrastructures.
Ministerial degree code
Laurea magistrale in Sustainable transportation and smart maritime mobility
Number of university credits
2 anni
Silvio Nocera
Università Iuav di Venezia
Dipartimento di culture del progetto
Entry requirements
Available places
Distribution of available places
- 20 Eu and non-Eu candidates residing in Italy
- 40 non-EU candidates residing abroad
Admission, evaluation, enrolment
Admission proceduresTo be admitted to the selection process, you are required to have one of the following qualifications or obtain it:
— Italian bachelor’s degree (laurea di primo livello) earned under DM 270/04, for programmes related to degree class L-07
— other degree or university diploma (also an international qualification) that allows the recognition of 30 ECTS in the fields following fields related to degree class L-07. The codes refer to the Italian classification of Academic fields and disciplines (Settori Scientifico-Disciplinari):
– Basic fields: INF/01, ING-INF/05, MAT/03, MAT/05, MAT/06, MAT/07, MAT/08, MAT/09, SECS-S/02, CHIM/03, CHIM/07, FIS/01, FIS/07
– Characterizing fields: BIO/07, CHIM/12, GEO/02, GEO/05, GEO/11, ICAR/01, ICAR/02, ICAR/03, ICAR/04, ICAR/06, ICAR/07, ICAR/08, ICAR/09, ICAR/10, ICAR/11, ICAR/17, ICAR/20, ING-IND/11, ING-IND/24, ING-IND/25, ING-IND/27, ING-IND/28, ING-IND/29, ING-IND/30, ING-IND/31, ING-IND/35, ING-INF/04.
The coherence with the following areas will be evaluated by a committee after applications close.
International qualifications whose programmes do not fully satisfy the above-mentioned requirement but with exams related to the educational areas listed above will be submitted to an evaluating committee.
A B2 proficiency level (or equivalent) in English is also required.
Application deadline for academic year 2025/2026: March 12, 2025, 12 p.m.
Fees and contributions
More information on tuition feesTuition fees
For bachelor’s and master’s degrees the maximum annual fee amount is 2806,18 euros divided into 3 instalments.
The 1st instalment is split into 2 parts: the first amount to be paid within the pre-enrolment deadline; the remaining part to be paid upon the student’s arrival in Italy.
The amount of the 3 instalments varies according to income and/or merit criteria. In order to get an official assessment of their financial situation, students need to request the ISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator) certification.
More information on fee reductions
Other charges
184,00 euros
regional tax
16,00 euros
stamp tax
Additional expenses
You may need to cover additional costs that are not included in tuition fees, such as accommodation, transport and materials. For more information see the Welcome Guide
Students can receive the benefits of the right to study: scholarships, fee waivers, fee reductions based on ISEE, university loans, student collaborations, tutoring activities. 50% of those enrolled at Iuav University have access to a form of reduction in the maximum contribution required.
More information on the benefits of the right to study
Manifesto degli studi (Study prospectus)
Manifesto degli studi is the document that annually outlines how a study programme works, describes the available learning paths, and provides you with all the information you need to deal with the various aspects of your university career.
It is the official source of information you can rely on in your university career.
Regolamento didattico (Degree programme teaching regolation)
It is the set of rules that regulate the educational systems and criteria for the functioning of study courses, in compliance with the law and the Statute.
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