Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:

After bodies


8 novembre 2022

Badoer, aula D

ore 5 p.m.


a cura di Angela Vettese e Camilla Salvaneschi

per l’area dottorale Arti Visive, Performative e Moda


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scarica la locandina >>


ciclo di incontri “The Exposed Body”




After Bodies Lecture by Clarissa Ricci (University of Bologna)

In Aperto 93 spread bodies of limbs, autoerotic sculptures, pubis, lickable and eatable statues took the centre stage to the point the exhibition was nicknamed one of “sex and death”. How to read this emergence? What is the legacy of such practices?


Clarissa Ricci is Adjunct professor at the University of Bologna. Her research focuses on the history and networks of exhibitions, biennials, fairs, and on the contemporary. She was a recipient of the Getty/ACLS Postdoctoral Fellowship in the History of Art (2019–2020) and previously she was entrusted by Iuav University in Venice (2017–2019) with researching the foundation of Arte Fiera. Moreover she was a visiting scholar at Columbia University in New York City and was awarded a Library Research Grant by the Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles. She is author of Aperto 1980-1993. La mostra dei giovani artisti alla Biennale di Venezia (Postmedia Books, Milano, 2022) and has written numerous essays. She was editor of many volumes as the one on the Venice Biennale entitled Starting from Venice. Studies on the Biennale (2011), latest being Double Trouble. Exhibitions facing fairs in Contemporary Art (2020). Moreover she is co-editor of the academic journals OBOE journal. On Biennials and Other Exhibitions and editor at Venezia Arti.