Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:

Bruce Nauman's bodies


Lecture by Carlos Basualdo


14 aprile 2022

cotonificio, aula O2

ore 17


dottorato in Architettura, cittą e design

ambito di ricerca Arti Visive, Performative e Moda

laurea magistrale in Arti visive


MS Teams code: 1j3763o


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cycle of meetings “The Exposed Body”




Curator Carlos Basualdo (Keith L. and Katherine Sachs Senior Curator of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia Museum of Art) interrogates the many incarnations of the body in the art of Bruce Nauman (American, born 1941). Beginning with Nauman’s influential video work Walk with Contrapposto (1968) and ending with his current corpus of work Contrapposto Studies, I through VII (2015-2016), which is currently the subject of an exhibition at the Palazzo Grassi – Punta Della Dogana, Basualdo sheds light on how Nauman represents images of the body in movement and the effects of bodily senescence, and the role of the viewer in his work.