



Scholarships funded by the Ministerial Decree 352/2022 in the framework of the Recovery and Resilience Plan


The call for admission to Iuav School of Doctoral Studies – Doctorate course Architecture and Arts 2022/2023 a.y. – Scholarships funded by the Ministerial Decree 352/2022 in the framework of the Recovery and Resilience Plan - is open.


Available places:

7 with scholarship co-funded at 50% by the following enterprises and devoted to the following research themes.


1) HA Italia Spa (Vicenza)

Sustainable building materials, biomaterials and infrastructures


2) Mecc Alte Spa (Creazzo, Vicenza)

Hybrid energy transition; new values, behaviours and design


3) UptoEarth GmbH (Darmstadt, Germania)

Digital twins, interaction design for the innovation of production and marketing processes


4) UptoEarth GmbH (Darmstadt, Germania)

Feeding the planet: physical and digital technological systems to support precision agriculture


5) Arclinea Arredamenti spa (Caldogno, Vicenza)

The spaces of living and sharing food: new values, behaviours and design


6) Mindicity S.r.l. S.B. (Casalmaggiore, Cremona)

Innovation and Digitalization for cities


7) Eurac Research (Bolzano)

Data driven urban planning for climate-neutral-cities


Further information is available in Annex 1.

Additional initiatives will be added to the abovementioned ones if further agreements with enterprises are signed before the deadline.


The deadline for applying is 29 September 2022 at 1 pm CEST.


The decree appointing the selection committee is published after the deadline.


Interviews can be organised remotely upon request from candidates residing abroad and candidates residing in Italy, who are unable to attend the interview in person for serious and adequately documented reasons.


It is highly recommended to read the announcement and the guidelines available as attachments and submit the application well in advance.


announcement >>


supplement to the announcement [ITA]>>


instructions >>


annex 1: information sheet >>


annex 2: application form >>


annex 3: self-certification >>


annex 4: research proposal >>



decree appointing the selection committee [ITA] >>


evaluation criteria [ITA] >>


interview calendar – date [ITA] >>



evaluation of qualifications [ITA] >>


interview calendar – order of candidates [ITA] >>



There are two options to verify your pre-matriculation number:


1. from the printed application

- open the .pdf document "Ricevuta della domanda di partecipazione alla prova di ammissione”

- towards the end of the first page, you will find the words "Numero, data e ora di presentazione della domanda" the first number corresponds to your pre-matriculation number


2. from Iuav website

- go to Sportello Internet (SPIN)

- from the menu at the top right, click “Login” and enter your credentials

- from the menu at the top right, click on "Student service" and then "Application"

- in the list of calls to which you are registered, click on "Phd programme Architecture and Arts" your pre-matriculation number is shown on the right side of the first table "Call for admission"



interview results [ITA] >>


final ranking list [ITA] >>



annex 5: enrolment form [ITA] >>


annex 6: fiscal data template [ITA] >>