Specialisation thesis

Specialisation thesis


The specialisation thesis is the guiding principle of the entire study programme offered by the Specialisation School.


The thesis corresponds to 16 university credits (cfu) and consists in drawing an intervention plan related to a specific architecture, a building complex, an urban area, or an area of landscape and environmental particular interest.


During the first semester, students are required to choose their thesis subject, with the support of SSIBAP professors and through a dedicated mentoring activity that can be in English or Italian. Students may either propose a theme of their choice or draw from the memoranda of understanding (protocolli d’intesa), conventions, and national and international relations networks stipulated by Universitā Iuav di Venezia.


Within the two-year programme, the thesis subject is developed gradually in lessons, seminars, and intensive workshops and laboratories. The latter are scheduled at the end of each semester and let students apply the methods, analysis tools, and intervention criteria they learned during the courses to their thesis.

Laboratories also represent important moments of exchange between students and professors and are coordinated by the Specialisation School’s Director.

The content and articulation of the thesis are defined by students with the professors and tutors chosen at the beginning of the year.



characteristics of the thesis


The final project must have the characteristics listed below in the section “how to write the thesis”. The thesis supervisor defines further details.


Please note: a thesis without signatures, name, surname,student’s ID number, complete title, and the completed form “Dichiarazione di consultabilitā” (author's authorisation to consultation) will not be accepted.



how to write the thesis


Students are required to produce a single copy of the thesis. It consists of a written dissertation and design documents from the preliminary to the executive stages concerning the subject chosen during the first semester and developed during the two-year study programme.


The thesis must include:

- the title page with the name of the university, the course of study (SSIBAP), the academic year, the complete title, the name of the thesis supervisor and eventually of the assistant supervisor, the student’s name and surname, ID number

- the student’s signature, the thesis supervisor and eventually the assistant supervisor, on the title page

- ”Dichiarazione di consultabilitā” (author's authorisation to consultation)


Summary of the main points:

1) cover and title page

- the title of the thesis (and eventually subtitle)

- name and surname of Iuav professor thesis supervisor

- name and surname of the assistant supervisor that may be a professor or an expert in the field and the subject of the thesis

- student’s name, surname, student’s ID number

- academic year


download the title page


2) author's authorisation to consultation

The thesis must contain the author’s authorisation to consultation on the second page. The form must be entirely filled-in, with date and signature, even if the authorisation is denied.


3) written text

Rules for writing the thesis:

- page layout: UNIA4 (drawings and designs may be presented in A3 format but must be folded in A4)

- footnotes: every reference to authors, texts, and sources in the thesis must be reported at the end of the page in the form of footnotes that will have a progressive numeration

- bibliography: the bibliography must be arranged in alphabetical order following the surname of the first author (if by the same author, or group of authors, it should be arranged following the publication date). Each bibliographic reference must include the following fields: author, title, publishing house, and year of publication.

- binding: the thesis will have to be bounded following the supervisor’s instructions



how to register for graduation


The graduation registration must be submitted online through the Online Desk (SPIN): after logging in with username and password, students must select “Conseguimento titolo”


 guide to register for graduation [ITA]


Please note: students are required to submit their thesis online on the Online Desk only in PDF/A format. (A printed copy of the thesis or a copy on CD-ROM, is not requested.)


Students will have to pay the graduation fee of 32,00 euros at the end of the procedure through PagoPA.



how to collect your diploma


All information concerning the diploma is available on the dedicated webpage [ITA]