Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:




Research seminar

Geometry, architecture and construction

Scientific supervisor: José Calvo-López, Visiting professor at Iuav,

Coordinator: Agostino De Rosa, Giuseppe D’Acunto


The aim of this research seminar is to enhance the research skills of participants through the choice, preparation, presentation and discussion of a research subject in the fields of construction history, architectural history or spatial representation and their connection with geometrical issues.

Suitable topics include any historical period, including the present, any geographical location and any construction technique. However, a special consideration will be given to construction in hewn stone, on account of the richness and complexity of the problems posed by this material and its role in the formation of descriptive geometry. Sources and specific subjects may include technical architectural and construction literature, extant or disappeared built works and specific project and execution drawings, either at reduced scale or full-size.

Discussions in the seminar may be held in English or Italian, although the use of English for presentations and the final paper is encouraged.


Participants should:

a) Choose a research topic in the first half of April, after discussion with the coordinator about the scope and methodology of the topic. As a rule, the coordinator will not furnish a closed list of topics, in order to allow participants to choose a subject connected both with their research interests and the general theme of the seminar; however, if asked, he can suggest several suitable research topics for the participants requesting them.

b) Deliver to the seminar a work-in-progress presentation about their research topic, in the second half of May. This presentation should include the state of the art of the topic, the research methodology and the preliminary findings of the project, although some details may be undefined at this stage. Comments, questions and suggestions by the coordinator and other participants may be posed in order to help the presenting participant to enhance his or her research.

c) Submit a final paper about their research topic by the end of September, including abstract, introduction, main text, conclusions, references and illustrations. Although the coordinator will not be staying in Venice from June on, he may answer queries and review drafts of these final papers by e-mail.



IR.IDE workshop at Ca’ Tron - sala riunioni


Dates and times:

April 15th, 10,30-13,00: Introductory lecture and general presentation by the coordinator

May 13th, 20th, 27th, 10,30-13,00: Presentations by the participants and general discussions






t. +39 041 257 1541


t. +39 041 257 1542
