Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:

Medical Images, Public Imaginaries and the Exposed Body


8 giugno 2022

Badoer, aula Tafuri

ore 11


seminar by Silvia Casini -University of Aberdeen


a cura di Angela Vettese e Camilla Salvaneschi

per l’area dottorale Arti Visive, Performative e Moda


codice MS Teams: 1j3763o



scarica la locandina >>


ciclo di incontri “The Exposed Body”




Medical images and illustrations are important in medical research, clinical practice, and public communication. Within the doctor-patient encounter, the presence of the medical image often signifies the absence of the body. But do we have the tools for grasping what medical images expose and hide from view? This seminar employs the tools and insights of the humanities to explore questions such as: What makes medical images so important? What roles do they play? How do images depict what they are about? How are images produced and why does it matter? How do medical images travel between research communities and the public permeating public imaginaries? What is the role of artists?


Silvia Casini is Senior Lecturer in Film and Visual Culture at the University of Aberdeen where she teaches courses to students in the humanities and in medicine. Her work is situated at the crossroad of visual culture, cinema, science studies, and the medical humanities. Her research is featured in journals such as Configurations, Leonardo, Contemporary Aesthetics, Nuncius Journal of the Material and Visual History of Science, The Senses and Society. She published two monographs: Giving Bodies back to Data (The MIT Press 2021) and, in Italian, ll Ritratto-Scansione (Mimesis 2016). She is currently co-editing a special number on visual culture, trauma and the medical humanities for the film and media studies journal Cinéma & Cie.