Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:

Soft skills around the world


25 marzo 2021, ore 14.30


Different perceptions in different cultural contexts


How different skills affect multicultural communication: a virtual path dedicated to students and recent graduates interested in building or improving their necessary soft skills to live and work in an international environment.

Speaker Luna Checchini ESL Coach


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the speaker introduces herself


Luna Checchini

I was born and raised in Venice, Italy, and after graduating at Ca’ Foscari University I lived

and worked in Canada, the USA, the UK before returning to Italy and managing my own

language school for 6 years. I now teach English as a second language online, and I’ve

curated three LinkedIn Learning courses on multicultural communication – two in English

and one in Spanish.



to whom it is addressed


The seminars will be open to students and recent graduates coming from all the areas of study.



how to participate


To participate you need to register at this link 

The workshop will be held on MS TEAMS platform.

The invitation to the presentation will be sent by email to subscribers on the morning of March 25th.





promozione e orientamento

Santa Croce, 601 – Campo della Lana

30135 Venezia

tel +39 041 257 1448
