Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:

Enrolment procedure to Iuav degree programmes from the 2nd academic year


In order to enrol to Iuav degree programmes from the 2nd academic year, students should modify their enrolment status at the sectionenrolment” of their reserved area “Spin”. Also, students should complete the additional declaration related to simultaneous enrolment in several degree programmes. More information is available here [ITA].


Eventually, students should proceed with the payment of the first instalment of tuition fees, which allows to regularly carry out all the activities related to student career: enrolment in courses, registration for exams, printing of career certificates, etc.


The deadline for the payment is mandatory; students who do not procced with the payment according to the deadlines and modalities indicated on the dedicated webpage [ITA], will need to pay a penalty surcharge.


Students who will not pay the instalment fees by the set deadlines, will not be able to write exams; register to forthcoming academic years; receive any certificates related to their academic career and generally have access to university services. Deadlines are available here [ITA].


Students are strongly advised to regularly check the payment status on the student area “Spin” at the following path: segreteria>pagamenti>pagamenti non pervenuti (secretariat > payments > payments not received).


The enrolment modification button will only be visible if students have regularly completed the payment of the previous year's university fees, including any penalty surcharge.

Should students enrol in further degree programmes after completing the abovementioned procedure and payment, they will need to update the additional declaration related to simultaneous enrolment in several degree programmes. More information is available here [ITA].