Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:



Please email proposals to Specify in the email subject line: vj_surname_name_issue number_issue title
(e.g. vj_surname_name_02.018_communicate)




Provide within the deadline a folder compressed in ZIP format, named vj_surname_name, organized in the following subfolders:

– texts (document files: see here the texts section);

– images, if needed, (raster files: see here the images section).




The main text (filename vj_surname_name_text.rtf)

must include: title (bold), author, abstract (200 words / 1500 characters included blank spaces), main text, endnotes, and captions. Texts could be subdivided into chapters. Chapters headlines will be in bold, lower case (avoid numbers and further subdivisions). Chapter text will follow on the same line. Use endnotes, written as normal text, not generated with the word processor automatic tools. Endnotes numbers must be put within rectangular brackets, without any other formatting. In order to refer in your text to an illustration, place “fig.” and the number of the illustration within rectangular brackets, as in [fig. 1].


Info text (filename: vj_surname_name_info.rtf)
with the following information: author, title, telephone, mobile, E-mail, short bio of 100 words / 750 characters included blank spaces.


Copyright text (filename: vj_surname_name_copy.pdf)
with a signed letter in which the author declares s/he has got the publishing permission from the copyright owners on images or quoted texts. Copyrights must be covered by authors for citations longer than 400 words from a single source. All quotation must be highlighted with quotation marks. Articles will be checked for plagiarism.


Set for these files an A4 page, portrait, 2 cm margins, left justification, single spacing, normal sans serif font (Arial or Helvetica), black, 11 p. Texts will be provided in English. If they are translated from another language, attach the originals too. Avoid complicated formatting.


Tables or special features must be delivered in separated files both as text (rtf, doc, docx) and as image (pdf, jpg). Editing rules regarding the use of capitals, acronyms, Italics, quotations, references, etc., must be applied according to the MRHA Style Guide. See here the section editing for some samples of source references.




Numbered images (filenames: vj_surname_name_pic01.jpg, 02, 03...) in raster format jpg, grey scale, 300 dpi, ca. 18 x 25 cm (2200 x 3000 pixel). When you save the file choose the maximum quality option.


Provide also a low definition set of the same images, jpg format, ca. 768 x 1024 pixel (filenames: vj_surname_name_low_pic01.jpg, 02, 03...).


If original images are in different formats, attach them too in a different subfolder.


Copyrights must be covered by authors.




Use standard (“British”) English spelling and set the language on your word processor on British English.


Use the Humanities referencing system. For instance: Book – Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space, translated by Maria Jolas (Boston: Beacon Press, 1969 (1957), p. 47. Article in book by same author – Robert Venturi, ‘Learning from Aalto’, in Iconography and Electronics upon a Generic Architecture: A View from the Drafting Room (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1996), p. 79. Article in an edited reader – Philip Johnson, Jeffrey Kipnis, ‘A Conversation Around the Avant-Garde’, in Autonomy and Ideology. Positioning an Avant-Garde in America, ed. by Robert Somol (New York: Monacelli Press, 1997), p. 42. An edited collection of texts by a single author – Karl Marx: Selected Writings, ed. by David McLellan (Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2003), pp. 473-74. Article in journal – Rem Koolhaas, 'Bigness, or The Problem of Large', Domus, 764 (1994), pp. 87-90. Electronic media / internet Joan Ockman, ‘The Poetics of Space by Gaston Bachelard’, Harvard Design Magazine, 6 (1998), <> [accessed 25 August 2017].


Merge the bibliography into the endnotes.


For additional information about editing, see the MHRA style guide, available for free download at





The production process of the villardjournal unfolds as follows:

– the editorial board discusses and selects arguments for the monographic issues of the magazine and propose one or more editors to work out their publication;

– these editors, wich could be part or not of the vdh community, write a presentation editorial in which the main arguments they are going to include in the villardjournal issue are individuated and pointed out;

– they prepare also the call for papers to be published on the villardjournal and on other communication channels;

– this call is open to previously unpublished, original articles;

– the editors invite also some well-known scholars to contribute with new materials or published writings considered particularly interesting for the issue at stake;

– the editorial board, in collaboration with the editors in charge of each issue, selects the experts for the peer review of the articles collected after the call;

– each article has to pass a double-blind peer review by at least two referees;

– articles could be directly accepted for publication, accepted with revisions, or rejected;

– the peer review process is expected to take two months;

– authors are welcome to discuss their proposals with the editors in advance of making a formal submission;

– antiplagiarism controls are going to be done randomly;

– the advice of the scientific committee members will be sought at each step of the process.