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ph. Sissi Cesira Roselli



Vesper. Journal of Architecture, Arts & Theory is published twice a year (spring-summer and fall-winter). In keeping with the biannual publication schedule, the journal releases calls for abstracts and calls for papers that are regularly advertised on the designated web page.


Calls for abstracts and calls for papers are aimed at the selection of contributions for publication under the different sections of the journal and in line with the thematic focus of each issue. The calls are structured in a series of sections and offer different entry options depending on the specific section chosen by each author. Each submission is to be sent in PDF format to the e-mail address pard.iride@iuav.it, including the title and subtitle (if applicable) of the proposal; affiliation(s); e-mail address and telephone number of the author(s); bio-bibliographical profile(s) in both English and original language (maximum 50 words); selected section; five keywords; abstract in both English and original language (maximum 150 words).


All submissions to the calls are selected by the editors. Upon selection, each author is asked to submit a final manuscript, which then undergoes a double-blind peer review process. Anonymised peer review forms are regularly forwarded to the authors of selected contributions. The editor always reserves the right to deliberate on the publication of each proposal. The editorial team is available for clarification of any doubtful cases.


Vesper accepts submissions in Italian, English, French, Spanish and German. Final papers accepted for publication are handed over to a translation agency working with the editorial team. No commission is charged to the authors for translation and publication.



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Names and e-mail addresses included in the journal website will be used solely for the stated purposes; they won’t be transferred to third parties nor made available for any other usage. For further information please refer to the Privacy and Policy page of the Universitā Iuav di Venezia.





+39 041 257 1542







Centro Editoria Publishing Actions and Research Development PARD

Infrastruttura di Ricerca Integral Design Environment IR.IDE

Dipartimento di Culture del progetto, Universitā Iuav di Venezia

Ca’ Tron, Santa Croce 1957, 30135 Venezia