Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:

Vesper No. 9 | The Adversary | Fall-Winter 2023



James Carpenter

Ecologies of light. Ground Zero



JCDA, Ground Zero, New York, 11 september, James Carpenter


Sometimes the adversary becomes the enemy; it enters the city and destroys its symbols and securities. This violence can be answered to either with closure or by repurposing the city as a place which is open to the world. James Carpenter’s (JCDA) contribution reflects on the design of the 7WTC, the first building erected at Ground Zero after 9/11. In the project, the attention to construction details, the sizing of the elements, the study of colour and of the refraction of light become tools to offer a new ecology of place, a cure for bodies and minds wounded by the incursion of the enemy. The text is illustrated by detail drawings curated by The Formwork team. By critically re-elaborating executive drawings, project variants, photographs and mockups, these drawings document the delicate balance between security imperatives, technological requirements and aesthetic ambitions which JCDA has been able to create to respond to the programmatic objectives of their ethical and creative endeavour.





t. +39 041 257 1542


