Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:

Vesper No. 9 | The Adversary | Fall-Winter 2023



Lamia Hadda, Alberto Pireddu

The Art of War in the Late 12th Century Treatise by al-Tarsūsī’s for Saladdin



Polyorcetic, Mardhī ibn Ali al-Tarsūsī, Saladin, war, military treaty


In the literary genre on polyorcetics, the Tabsirat arbāb al-albāb fī kayfiyyat an-najāt fi’l-hurūb min al-anwā’ wa nashr a’lām al-a’lām fi al-’udad wa al-’alāt al-mu’īnah ‘ala liqā’ al-a’dā’ written by Mardhī ibn Ali al-Tarsūsī in 1187, holds a position of the utmost importance, placing itself at the dawn of Arab treatises on the subject. The manuscript, stored within the MS Huntington Collection at the 264 Bodleian Library in Oxford, having been transcribed and translated only in part, still remains almost entirely unpublished. This contribution proposes the translation of an excerpt mainly dedicated to the description of mangles, whose meanings and different structures and constructions are explored. Therein, the comparison between the different technologies held by the enemies seemed significant in guiding the choice of those matter worth to be investigated: in fact, these pages attempt to define the adversaries’ skills and the more or less real possibilities to defeat them.





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