Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:

Vesper No. 8 | Vesper | Spring-Summer 2023



Tania Garribba, Lisa Ferlazzo Natoli, Maddalena Parise




Organism, zone, boundary, double, source


X is the unknown, the X marked on the map, the hypothesis; X also defines – in Jeff VandeMeer's novel (2014) – an area in the centre of the Earth where an anomaly has occurred. An area in perpetual mutation that alters creatures and the passage of time, an extended, sentient organism, radically non-human in nature. A modified and alien zone where traces of our world are integrated into an ecological system that synthesises new life forms, only apparently resembling the known ones. In Area X there is something familiar in the vegetation, in the birdsong, in the small animals, but something is not quite as it should be. The traveller to Area X returns, if he returns at all, in the form of a mutated original or copy. Area X spirals out of control, spreading like a generative, multiplying infection; new life forms add to or replace the known ones, indicating the possibility that the world will survive us or simply continue to exist without us.





t. +39 041 257 1542


