Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:

Vesper No. 7 | Sky | Fall-Winter 2022



Giuseppe D’Acunto

Heaven on Earth: Artifice, Deception, and Perspective in Giovan Battista Gaulli’s Trionfo del Nome di Gesù



Baroque, spectacle, divine entity, celestial, paradise, perspective


The essay propose a reflection on the perspective and pictorial technique adopted by Giovan Battista Gaulli in the Trionfo del nome di Gesù painted by the Genoese painter in Rome in 1672 and currently visible in the nave of the church of Gesù, Baroque artifice capable of involving the observer in a spectacle orchestrated in a continuous encroachment of the painted subjects within the inhabited space, and capable of generating an unprecedented dynamic of dialogue and overlapping between the plastic surfaces of the architectural artefact, the tangible volumetry of the statuary and the two-dimensional compromise of the painting. In this painting, the theme of the encounter with the divine, of the infinite being transformed in perspective into a secular object, of the physical or spiritual assumption towards the high/other, finds an iconographic solution in the representation of the light emitted by the divine entity. The straight lines, the physical representation of light, ‘break through’ the plane of the canvas and give that perspective depth necessary to emphasise the vertical axis that connects the mundane to the divine and that emulates the upward motion upwards, towards celestial glory, towards heaven in its meaning of paradise.





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