Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:

Vesper No. 6 | Magic | Spring-Summer 2022



Damiano Di Mele



The concept of destiny operates in various fields that range from religion, through mythical representations, to the most discrepant modern philosophical positions. The term fatum is replaced by that of destiny: while fate cannot be changed and follows an ‘unchangeable’ order – imposed by the divine –, the term destiny, today, can be manipulated because it belongs to human characteristics. It is subordinate to that free will which opposes any predestination. Such an opposition is interpreted by architect Fernando Higueras (1930-2008) in the project for his house-studio called Rascainfiernos. The magical, mysterious, and surreal home, built in the Chamartín district of Madrid. A refuge for the mind and body, which welcomes and summarizes the contemporary idea of ​​destiny in which man is the master of his own actions. His friend Francisco Nieva, reading the tarot to him, sees him in the space of three years underground. To exorcise destiny, the architect thus decides to build an artificial cave, dug with his ‘bare hands’, capable of evoking an imaginary that refers to that dark universe of enchantment, of magic, where he will live for another thirty years.


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