Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:

Vesper No. 6 | Magic | Spring-Summer 2022



Cherubino Gambardella

The Magic House


There are many reasons for creating architecture that occupies a ​​magic space if we remove the burden of being responsible for greater amounts of carbon dioxide in the air, increases in manufacturing waste, and huge downstream waste production from demolition processes in the creation of new cubic volumes.

The magical sea, the internal pool of simultaneous events that took place without a murmur, is the conceptual place where we can draw on timeless shapes, intense and popular forms, which lead us to bounce among the mysterious forces of a unique and immense liquid mirror. Braudel describes it to us as sad and full of traffic, Eliot as painful and contemporary with the drowning of Phleba the Phoenician, Matvejević as dense as an egg, Pamuk as endless as the labyrinthine unravelling of his Istanbul. This fantastic salt lake has a life too well known not to refer to those architects of the ‘eternal present’ that I have so far evoked as if in a séance.


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