attività culturali

Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:



Mai più un’isola è stata così lontano



première italiana del film di Elisabeth Schlebrügge

e Kurt Mayer


26 febbraio 2018

Cotonificio, auditorium

ore 11.30



Elisabeth Schlebrügge

e Kurt Mayer


Gundula Rakowitz


scarica la cartolina >>


A film essay, deriving from investigative trips to islands in the Mediterranean. Terrains vagues, profane ruins, places where the progression of time has stalled. Driven on by the wind, fragments of stories and memories, erased again by the following wave.


A trip to the Mediterranean, to islands, to the margins.


The Mediterranean, traditionally a screen for the projection of fantasies, a site of longing, long since damaged. Behind the present, an echo chamber of individual and historical memory opens up – antique and modern ruins stand as closely and casually next to each other as the antique myths of odysseys and sinkings that emerge behind the boats that set out across the sea.


In the dragnet, non-hierarchical, story fragments, memories, voices, images and afterimages, tones and resonances. A continual appearing and disappearing, inscribing and erasing, remembering and forgetting.