Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:

pubblicazioni su nuove metodologie analitiche, nuovi materiali e tecniche per il restauro



Tesser E., Lazzarini L., Bracci S. Investigation on the chemical structure and ageing transformations of the cycloaliphatic epoxy resin EP2101 used as stone consolidant, Journal of Cultural Heritage 31 (2018), pp. 72-82, DOI 10.1016/j.culher.2017.11.002


Tesser E., Antonelli F., Evaluation of silicone based products used in the past as today for the consolidation of Venetian monumental stone surfaces, Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 2018, 18(5), pp. 159-170, ISSN 11089628, DOI 10.5281/zenodo.1285902



Conventi A., La diffusione degli elettroni nella materia e l'interpretazione dei dati sperimentali, Microscopie



Tesser E., Antonelli A., Sperni L., Ganzerla R., Maravelaki N-P., Study of the stability of siloxane stone strengthening agents, Polymer Degradation and Stability 110, pp. 232-240, ISSN 1413910, DOI 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2014.08.022



Stevanato R., Mazzocchin S., Calogero S., Lazzarini L., A simplified procedure for gaschromatographic identification of dried oils in painting media and its application to some Venetian master pieced, Science and Technology for Cultural Heritage 2, pp. 75-80



Careri G., Lazzarini L., Mazzacurati V., Angular distribution of light diffused from laser-irradiated crystalline marbles. Potential use for identification purposes, Proc. of the 2nd ASMOSIA Meeting “Ancient Stones: quarryng, trade and provenance”, “Acta Archaeologica Lovaniensia”, Monographiae 4, (M. Waelkens, N. Herz and L. Moens eds.), Leuven, pp. 237-242



Lazzarini L., Lombardi G., Bentonite for cleaning and desalination of stones, Reprints of the “9th Triennial Meeting” ICOM, Committe for Conservation, Los Angeles, vol. I, pp. 336-339



Lazzarini L., Mariottini M., La provenienza dei marmi cristallini usati in antico: un nuovo contributo al problema del rapporto calcite/dolomite, Bollettino d’Arte, Supplemento al n° 41, I, pp. 69-72



Buso G.P., Lazzarini L., Xusheng H., Moschini G., Metodo rapido di analisi elementale di residui insolubili di marmi cristallini, Marmi Antichi I, (a cura di P. Pensabene), “Studi Miscellanei”, n° 26, pp. 41-45


Cavaletti R., Lazzarini L., Marchesini L., Marinelli G., A new type of epoxy resin for the structural consolidation of badly decayed stones, Proc. of the “Vth Int.Congress on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone”, (G.Felix ed.), Lausanne, pp. 769-778



Fassina V., Lazzarini L., Sulphur dioxide atmospheric oxidation in the presence of ammonia, Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 15(3), pp. 343-352, ISSN 496979, DOI 10.1007/BF00285048.



Lazzarini L., Asmus J.F., Marchesini L., Laser for the cleaning of statuary: initial results and potentialities, Atti del “Ier Colloque International sur la Détérioration des Pierres en Oeuvre”, (J.P.Pauly ed.),Chambéry, pp. 89-94; pubblicato inoltre in “Jour. Vac. Sci. & Tech.”, 10, 1039, pp. 39-49