Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:

VII PROGRAMMA QUADRO – COOPERATION - Information and Communication Technologies



Scadenza 13 aprile 2010


Il bando finanzia progetti di cooperazione, reti di eccellenza e azioni di supporto ( Collaborative Project, Network of Excellence, Coordination and Support Actions ) che riguardano tematiche relative all’Information and Communication Technology.

Tra le tematiche finanziate si segnala “ Digital Libraries and Content “ con i seguenti obbiettivi:


Scalable systems and services for preserving digital content ( Collaborative propject Large Scale)

 handling the whole workflow for different types of digital resources, guaranteeing their long term integrity and authenticity. Research should demonstrate the feasibility of systems and services proposed and assess their use by organisations in large scale testbeds (e.g. science, business and financial records, public records, multimedia/audiovisual and performing arts).


Advanced preservation scenarios ( Collaborative propject Small Scale/Large Scale )

methods, models and tools for managing digital memory, focusing on challenging preservation problems which cannot be adequately handled by current models.


Innovative solutions for assembling multimedia digital libraries ( Collaborative propject Large Scale)

for collaborative use in specific contexts and communities, enhancing scholarly understanding and experiences of digital cultural heritage. This includes work on the dynamic aggregation of cross-media resources across existing institutional digital libraries and repositories. Research should address scalability, interoperability and distributed architectures, aggregation and semantic search tools. Validation should address researchers and cultural heritage professionals but be open to wider audiences.


Adaptive cultural experiences ( Collaborative project Small Scale )

exploring the potential of ICT for creating personalised views of various forms of cultural expression, reflecting individual narrative tendencies (i.e. adapt to the background and cognitive context of the user) and offering meaningful guidance about the interpretation of cultural works.


Interdisciplinary research networks ( Network of excellence )

bridging technological domains (e.g. computing models, knowledge representation, visualisation and graphics), information and archival sciences, and social and cognitive sciences to advance the state-of-the-art in well identified and focused application areas (e.g. digital preservation).


Promoting the uptake ( Coordination and Supporting Actions )

of EC-funded research enabling the deployment of new ICT-based cultural and memory preservation services, leveraging the impact of associated national initiatives; roadmapping and identification of future 'Grand Challenges'; establishment of a pan-European network of 'living memory centres' for validations, demonstrations and showcases.



>> Work Programme, bando e formulari





Servizio Ricerca  uar@iuav.it


Orietta Zucchetta  t. 041 257 1807


Davide Buldrini t. 041 257 1727


Dario Pellizzon  t. 041 257 1807