Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:

Terzo premio a Iuav al Tongji International Construction Festival di Shanghai


Un gruppo di cinque studenti dell’Università Iuav di Venezia – Carla Colzani, Tiziano Deromedi, Arianna Gorin, Shenav Ragiv, Chiara Serafin – accompagnati e diretti dal prof. Emanuele Garbin, è stato invitato dal prof. Zhang Jianlong del CAUP, il College of Architecture and Urban Planning della Tongji University di Shanghai (dir. prof. Li Zhenyu), a partecipare all'edizione di quest'anno del Tongji International Construction Festival.


Il programma di quest'anno prevedeva il progetto e la costruzione di un piccolo padiglione abitabile, cercando di riflettere e far riflettere sul concetto di "microcomunità".

Lo Iuav ha ben figurato vincendo il terzo premio, in una competizione a cui hanno partecipato più di sessanta università di tutto il mondo.


Il motto del progetto Iuav era:




Dalla relazione consegnata alla giuria:


The first community: I - while I'm speaking with myself.

The first community: I - while I reflect myself into your eyes.

I live in another country, I speak another language, I feel the desire of looking at the same sky together with you.

Two horizons: the natural horizon, and an inclinated horizon that comes deeper into the earth and goes up into the heaven..

The pavilion is essentially a place of reflection and meditation. The sight of its 'inhabitants', lying down or sitting side by side, is directed at the openings atop the two pyramids and pauses contemplating the image of a piece of sky.

A slot at eye level who stands in front of the back facade attracts the glance of those who pass and this crosses with the ones looking out from the inside.

The pavilion building is an opportunity for first year students to reflect on the meaning of architecture, which can not be reduced to a simple stylistic or formal fact.

Architecture, with its own means, speaks of the world and the life of men.

Architecture 'talk' is mainly made of questions. These questions are not limited to technical or stylistic matters. The most important and perennial questions are not about style or technique.


nell’immagine: il Padiglione Iuav a Shanghai