Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:

Docente Iuav premiato con il Philippe Rotthier European Prize

of Architecture 2011


Il 24 e 25 giugno 2011 la giuria del nono Philippe Rotthier European Prize for Architecture ha assegnato il premio “Prize for the best industrial heritage conservation” a Massimo Carmassi Studio di Architettura con Risorse per Roma di Faenza.


Massimo Carmassi è professore ordinario presso la facoltà di architettura

dell’Università Iuav di Venezia.


La cerimonia di premiazione avrà luogo sabato 15 ottobre 2011 alle ore 11

al Architecture Museum - la Loge a Bruxelles.



motivazione del premio “The best industrial heritage conservation”


The restoration of the “Pelanda dei suini” (pigskin tannery), a part of the Testaccio slaughterhouse complex in Rome, situated close to the Tiber, was decided in 2001 and carried out between 2007 and 2010.


The original building was built between 1888 and 1894 according to plans drawn up by the Roman architect Gioacchino Ersoch (1815-1902). In 1924 a gallery was added that modified the building’s original symmetry. On carrying out the renovation, the architects used this gallery to serve the various parts of the building.


After several years of studies and the drawing up of two preliminary designs, the project implemented adopted strong ideas such as the creation of vast glazed walls, supported by metal structures, in accordance with the original Fink trusses, which enable the main aisle to be divided without losing the transparency and view of the whole. Another notable feature is the circular meeting rooms, located above and as an extension to the volumes provided by seven former tanks.


The architects’ choice to preserve a maximum of the existing elements - such as the metal frames, the cauldrons, the boilers, the vats, the tanks and above all the aerial rails that were used to transport the pig carcasses - helps to make this a unique development where the strong presence of the past stimulates an understanding of the site. This steeping in history does not, however, exert a nostalgic pressure on the contemporary activities due to the timeless nature the architects were able to lend to their interventions that are both well judged and restrained and that have the effect of incorporating light as a new and living element bringing joyous life to a formerly secret place, hidden from the city and from sight, dedicated to the slaughter and dismembering of living creatures and the tanning of their skins.


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