Luca Guido
Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:


docente a contratto


settore scientifico-disciplinare

Icar/18 Storia dell'architettura


interessi di ricerca

architettura contemporanea, eredità dell'architettura organica e moderna, avanguardie del Novecento





orario di ricevimento

al termine delle lezioni o su appuntamento da confermare via email


Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:


adjunct professor


academic discipline

Icar/18 History of architecture


research interests

contemporary architecture, legacy of modern and organic architecture, 20th century avangardes





office hours

at the end of the lessons or by appointment to be confirmed by email


Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:


Luca Guido (1981) è architetto, critico e storico dell’architettura. Si laurea in architettura a Venezia nel 2006 e consegue il titolo di Ph.D. nel 2013. Nel 2016 viene nominato Bruce Goff Visiting Professor and Chair of Creative Architecture presso l'Università dell’Oklahoma, dove ha successivamente insegnato come Visiting Associate Professor (2017-2020). Negli Stati Uniti ha guidato il progetto di ricerca denominato American School of Architecture ricevendo un grant dal National Endowments of Arts. Nel 2020 ha curato la mostra Renegades: Bruce Goff and the American School of Architecture presso il Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art, ed è stato finalista per l'Alfred H. Barr Jr. Award assegnato dalla College Art Association. Ha anche ricevuto una menzione d'onore da parte della Society of Architectural Historians (2022). Ha collaborato con la Fondazione Bruno Zevi per le attività relative al centenario della nascita dello storico romano ed è stato un componente della giuria del premio Bruno Zevi (2021). In Italia ha insegnato come docente a contratto nelle università di Udine, Parma, Firenze e Napoli. Collabora con la rivista archphoto (rivista scientifica Area 08 ai fini della ASN) in qualità di componente del comitato scientifico. Nel 2021 ottiene l'Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale da professore associato in Storia dell'Architettura.



Luca Guido is a licensed architect, critic and historian of architecture. In 2006 he graduated in architecture in Venice and 2013 obtained his Ph.D. In 2016, Dr. Guido was appointed Bruce Goff Visiting Professor and Chair of Creative Architecture at the University of Oklahoma where he served as a Visiting Associate Professor in Architecture (2017-2020). Dr. Guido also led research, publication and curatorial efforts for the American School of Architecture project, receiving a National Endowments of Arts grant as co-principal investigator for a digital database, and curated the exhibition Renegades: Bruce Goff and the American School of Architecture, at the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art, Norman, Oklahoma. He has been nominated for the Alfred H. Barr Jr. Award assigned by the College Art Association and received an honorable mention from the Society of Architectural Historians (2022). He collaborated with the Bruno Zevi Foundation for the 2018 centennial of Zevi’s birth and also served as a juror for the Bruno Zevi prize (2021). In Italy he taught as an adjunct professor at the universities of Udine, Parma, Firenze e Napoli. He also collaborates with archphoto (a scientific journal specialized in architecture) as a member of the editorial staff. In 2021, Dr. Guido obtained the National Scientific Habilitation of the Italian academic system, for the position of Associate Professor in History of Architecture.


 2024-25 Storia dell'architettura 2