Caterina Frisone
Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:


responsabile scientifica

master di II livello in architettura e salute







Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:


scientific coordinator

level 2 postgraduate specialisation programme in architecture & health






Undergraduate and graduate programmes offered by the University iuav of Venice:


Caterina Frisone č ideatrice e responsabile del master dell’Universitą Iuav di Venezia in Architettura e Salute, nato a seguito di un’esperienza di cinque anni (2017-2022) nel mondo della sanitą inglese. Membro di Architects for Health e PhD in Architecture of Care alla Oxford Brookes University, ha verificato le ipotesi della sua ricerca di dottorato visitando ospedali e strutture sanitarie di tutto il paese e vivendo per quattro mesi in tre diversi Maggie’s Centres (centri di cura del cancro) dove ha svolto il suo ‘lavoro sul campo’, testando di persona il ruolo terapeutico che svolge l’architettura di qualitą. Ha insegnato in Italia, Stati Uniti e Regno Unito focalizzandosi sull’esperienza percettiva ed emotiva dello spazio. Esplorando questo tema e indagando l’interdisciplinarietą tra architettura e neuroscienza, il suo libro “The Therapeutic Power of the Maggie’s Centre” mira a ispirare architetti, medici, studenti, e tutti coloro che ricercano il rapporto tra architettura e salute.



Caterina Frisone is the creator and head of the Iuav postgraduate specialisation programme in Architecture and Health, which was created following a five-year experience (2017-2022) in the British healthcare world. A member of Architects for Health and PhD in Architecture of Care at Oxford Brookes University, she tested the hypotheses of her doctoral research by visiting hospitals and healthcare facilities across the country and living for four months in three different Maggie's Centres (cancer treatment centres) where she carried out her 'fieldwork', testing first-hand the therapeutic role that quality architecture plays. She has taught in Italy, the US and the UK focusing on the perceptual and emotional experience of space. Exploring this theme and investigating the interdisciplinary relationship between architecture and neuroscience, her book “The Therapeutic Power of the Maggie's Centre” aims to inspire architects, doctors, students, and all those who research the relationship between architecture and health.


 master di II livello in architettura e salute